What’s the difference between earnest money and option money?
March 30, 20163807 Tarawood Ct, Spring, TX 77388 | Cypresswood Glen Estates
April 22, 2016Before you filter your Spring Texas home search by a minimum and maximum of square footage, here’s 3 things you should know about a home’s square footage.
1. Not all square footage is created equally – A home’s floor plan / layout can significantly impact how large or small a house may feel. A house with wasted space from wide hallways or weird angles may feel and live smaller than a house with less square footage. The wasted space could make a 1,900 sqft house feel like it’s 1,700 sqft. While a house with an open floor could make a 1,700 sqft house feel like it’s 1,900 sqft.
2. Source of square footage is not always accurate – The majority of the homes for sale in Spring Texas list the appraisal district as the source of square footage. The appraisal district is not always an accurate source of square footage. I’ve seen instances where two houses with the same floor plan have significantly different square footage that is at least according to the appraisal district.
3. Rounding – If a room measures 16′ 3″ by 18′ 6″ is it listed as 16×19 or 17×19 or 16×18? The answer is it depends on the listing agent? Did the listing agent decide to round up and round down or does the listing agent only like to round up? If you want to be 100% certain your furniture is going to fit in a particular room, you need to do your own measuring.
To avoid potentially missing out on the Spring Texas home of your dreams, expand the minimum and maximum square footage of your search.
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