Fall festivals in and around Spring Texas – 2016 edition
September 28, 2016
Why fall is the best time of year to buy a house
October 28, 2016Trick or treat …. smell my feet …. give me something good to eat. What day and what are the hours for trick or treating in Spring Texas? Spring does not have any “official” hours for trick or treating.
So when do the kids go trick or treating?
Trick or treating occurs on Halloween (October 31st). The hours are loosely between 6 pm and 9 pm. If you want to participate you turn your porch light on. If the house is dark, the residents aren’t joining in on the fun. Check out the Nextdoor Neighbor Treat Map for the households that are participating in trick or treating in your neighborhood. Although it’s not an inclusive map, it does identify households not to miss.
There are numerous other opportunities for the kids to go trick or treating beyond in their neighborhood. The Woodlands Mall typically has an organized trick or treating day. Numerous elementary schools have trunk or treating days. Another great trick or treating event occurs in Old Town Spring. Check out their events page for the all the details.